Thy Olive Tree Blog

  • 7 Tips for Praying with a Visual Rosary Book

    7 Tips for Praying with a Visual Rosary Book

    A Rosary book is a powerful tool for deepening your prayer practice, especially when combined with stunning artwork that brings the mysteries of the faith to life. A Stained Glass Rosary from Thy Olive Tree offers a visual approach to prayer that helps you engage more fully with the mysteries. Here are 7 comprehensive tips to help you get the most out of your visual Rosary book.

  • The Best Rosary Book for Beginners: A Painted Rosary

    Praying the Rosary is a beautiful and transformative devotion, but for beginners, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. How do you keep track of the prayers? How can you meditate on the mysteries with focus and depth? If you’re new to the Rosary and looking for a Rosary prayer guide, A Painted Rosary is the perfect Rosary book to help you grow in this prayerful practice.

  • The Power of the Rosary: A Personal Testimony

    I had recently converted to Catholicism. Often I would pray the Rosary, but this time was different. Before starting to pray, I could feel a special "burning, prompting, pulsing" in my heart. Words can't really describe it. The closest I can come to explaining it would be that anticipatory excitement you get... like a kid before Christmas morning, or when my husband got back from a six month deployment.
  • 4 Great Books for Catholic Families

    We asked Sam from Cultivating Catholics to pick a few books from our Market to review. Here were her thoughts on four Catholic books she selected that would be great for Catholic families.
  • Katie Bogner's Top Picks

    We asked Katie Bogner, Director of Religious Education, Author and Writer at Look to Him and Be Radiant, to pick her favorite books to review from Thy Olive Tree Market. Here's her list and what she had to say.
  • Katie Warner's Top Picks

    We asked Katie Warner, bestselling children's book author, to browse our Market and pick her favorite Catholic books to review. If you are looking to narrow down your search, take a look at Katie's top picks!
  • The Resource I needed During RCIA!

    What I would have given for a resource like this when I was just getting started!⁠ A Painted Rosary and A Stained Glass Rosary are the perfect tools for learning how to pray the Rosary. Each turn of a page reveals a mystery of the Rosary with its corresponding full-page painting, spiritual fruit, and a Printed Bead Tracker. Simply move your thumb down the page of beads to keep your place. Additionally, all prayers are printed for easy reference.

  • Awarded Seal of Approval from The Catholic Writers Guild

    With everything we design, we aim to stay true and faithful to Catholic Church teaching. Did you know all our Keepsake and Rosary books have the Catholic Writers Guild "Seal of Approval" for quality writing and being faithful to Catholic teaching!?⁠ 
  • Design Inspiration Books to Spark Creativity in Self-Publishers

    Are you looking for some design inspiration? Here's my list of beautiful books about color, patterns, book design and more! It's a great list for anyone looking to spark some creativity and brush up on design knowledge, especially for self-publishers.
  • My Catholic Keepsake Books Reinforce Importance of the Sacraments to Parishioners

    My Catholic Keepsake sacrament record book goes all the way through Confirmation. Not only is it a wonderful way to record important faith moments, but it can also serve as a resource for Catholic parishes looking to reinforce the importance of celebrating the sacraments! 
  • What is a Lectio Divina Book?

    Lectio Divina is Latin for “Divine Reading.” It is an ancient method of prayer where one reads, meditates, prays, and contemplates the Word of God. A Lectio Divina book, or lectio divina journal, is simply an organized way to keep track of the scripture, prayers, and thoughts you experience while praying. In this article, we'll discuss step by step how to pray using a Lectio Divina book!

  • New Rosary Book Brings Art Out of Quarantine Just in Time for Month of Mary

    At a time when visiting churches and museums can still be challenging, a small Catholic publisher brings sacred art into homes. On May 1, 2021, Thy Olive Tree launched A Painted Rosary, a prayer book for adults and older children containing the 20 mysteries of the Rosary with corresponding paintings from the 11th-17th centuries. The curated selection of paintings includes both commonly and seldom seen masterpieces.