Learn to Self-Publish

Are you inspired by all the incredible books you see in our Marketplace?
Do you have a book on your heart you've been wanting to publish but don't know where to begin?
You CAN do this, and we can help you!
Learn how to self-publish a good, true, and beautiful book!
We formerly ran the Fiat Self-Publishing Academy where we built up 2 years worth of course materials, video interviews, digital resources, and more for Catholic self-publishers. We are slowly transitioning many of these materials to Catholic Business Buddy, a newsletter and resource hub on Substack.
For anyone needing help with self-publishing, THIS is the new way you can receive help. Resources will be released gradually on a variety of business topics, but paid subscribers will have access to a monthly discussion thread for asking questions.
You can join for free or upgrade to paid for just $10/month. Sign up below!
Catholic Business Buddy
⭐All paid subscribers will get immediate access to our lists of service providers (editors, cover designers, marketers, etc.), Illustrators, and printers. We hope this helps you find the right partners to help you with your book!