
Why "Thy Olive Tree?" I have found meditating on the mystery of the agony in the garden to be a very powerful prayer experience. After the Last Supper, Jesus took a walk to pray. While in the garden of Gethsemane, he was overcome by anguish, dropping to his knees and praying to God for "this cup to pass." An angel came to comfort him and Jesus accepted the suffering he must endure as the Father's will. Gethsemane is known for its ancient olive trees. Some researchers estimate the dating of these trees back to the time Jesus would have been walking in the garden. While, I've never been to Gethsemane, I like to imagine those olive trees and what they have seen! I imagine Jesus kneeling over the roots of one of these trees, blood dripping from his sweat providing lifelong nourishment to the soil. The tree, in turn, provides comfort. When he is tired, he leans against the trunk. In the day, the branches provide shade from the hot sun. This is Jesus' olive tree, Thy Olive Tree.